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Our Vision

The North Trail Redevelopment Partnership is a non-profit corporation comprised of community leaders, representatives of institutions such as USF, Ringling College, Ringling Museum, and New College, business owners, IBSSA, Bayou Oaks and Central Cocoanut neighborhood representatives, Sarasota Chamber of Commerce, local architects, planners, and City of Sarasota planning staff to study, understand and work to facilitate positive redevelopment of the North Trail.

One of the highest priorities of the North Trail Redevelopment Partnership (NTRP) is attracting high-quality employment centers along The Trail to support sustainable commercial, residential and cultural amenities. Sustainable redevelopment involves study and implementation of the basic ingredients of community: transportation, character and speed of US 41, regulatory issues, economic factors, crime, relationships with and between institutions, neighborhoods and businesses, market perception and communications. Each facet is researched and addressed by one of the subcommittees listed below. Integration of these efforts is overseen by the body of the group.

  • Communication and Rebranding

  • Economic Redevelopment

  • Redevelopment

  • Public Safety

  • Institutional

We recognize that sustainable redevelopment along the North Trail will be a long and sometimes slow process. The NTRP is here for the long haul. One of the most significant accomplishments to date is the formation of a stable, self sustaining group under the umbrella of a nonprofit Florida Corporation recognized as a 501c6 by the IRS. Since formation, the NTRP has been successfully involved with:

  • Placing the North Trail on the City’s priority list.

  • Successful adoption of “Tamiami Cultural District” as the formal new name for the area north of 10th street on way finding program by gathering support from all the major stake holders on the trail.

  • Adoption of the Enterprise Zone on the majority of the NT commercial parcels in November 2009.

  • Assisting the Ringling Museum in the successful and timely installation of banners to serve as advertising and identity for the Ringling International Arts Festival.

  • Travel to study successful redevelopment models elsewhere in the state by Members of the Redevelopment Committee. Our Chairman has traveled to other parts of the world (Toronto, Canada and Ahmedabad, India) to study BRT and light rail models successfully being applied to transit oriented redevelopment.

  • Addition of North Trail on MPO’s long term transportation plan

  • Working with the neighborhoods, obtained a grant from the City for installation of the first security camera on the North Trail.

  • Creation of a North Trail Directory, “A Guide to the Tamiami Cultural District”

As we all know, redevelopment of the North Trail faces many challenges. The NTRP believes that the North Trail has many assets such as the fine educational institutions, arts programs, museums, proximity to transportation, diverse population and workforce, historical significance and strong neighborhoods. Success lies in capitalizing on the strengths while pursuing opportunities for improvement.